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 How do our genes affect how we sleep?

We cant stress enough how important sleep is – not only does it help to improve mood, energy levels and motivation, but it affects the rate at which cells and the body regenerate and repair.

Coffee might be able to help you push through the day and get your tasks done, but it cant help to regenerate cells!

There is a reason why its suggested that we get 7-8 hours of sleep per night, due to the detrimental affects lack of sleep can have on our general health.

Keep swiping to see how genetics plays a role in sleep and how nutrigenetics may be able to support you in supporting your own health.

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Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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Mental health is imperative to our overall health and wellbeing. Our physical health can play a large impact on our mental health and also our mental health can affect our choices, our experiences which can affect our physical health.

Many studies exist linking environment and diet and past experiences with mental health but there is a large collection of studies that also link the biological and chemical changes and expressions to genetics.

Keep siping to find out more about how genetics and mental health are interlinked!

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Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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There is much more to heart health than diets rich in red meats, cheese, and alcohol – although they do play a huge factor in keeping the heart-healthy!

Our hearts are the beating life force of our existence! Keeping our hearts healthy is key to keeping ourselves fit and healthy as we age, however, genetics can leave us at high risk of degenerative conditions if not counteracted with lifestyle and dietary tools.

Keep swiping to see how genetics plays a role in your heart health and how nutrigenetics may be able to support you in supporting your own health.

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Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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BMJ menopause acupuncture

Linked to reductions in hot flushes, sweating, mood swings, sleep disturbance, skin and hair problems

A brief course of acupuncture may help to ease troublesome menopausal symptoms, suggests a small study published in the online journal BMJ Open.

Among women dealing with moderate to severe symptoms, acupuncture was associated with reductions in hot flushes, excess sweating, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and skin and hair problems.

The findings prompt the researchers to conclude that acupuncture offers “a realistic” treatment option for women who can’t, or don’t want to, use hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Menopausal symptoms are common, and depending on their severity, can have a major impact on quality of life, health and wellbeing, as well as productivity.

Hot flushes are one of the most common symptoms, and these can go on for several years. But others include heavy sweating, emotional vulnerability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, ‘fuzzy’ brain, joint pain, vaginal dryness and reduced sex drive.

Hormonal and other drugs can treat the various symptoms, but they are not without side effects. And the evidence for other non-pharmacological approaches, such as exercise, relaxation, and herbal/dietary remedies, isn’t very convincing, say the researchers.

Previous research suggests that acupuncture might be helpful, but design flaws or quality issues have undermined the findings, say the researchers.

In a bid to address this, they randomly allocated 70 menopausal women who met their inclusion criteria to either five weeks of standardised Western medical acupuncture, using pre-defined acupuncture points, or no acupuncture until after six weeks.

Each weekly session lasted 15 minutes, and was delivered by Danish family doctors from nine different general practices, who had additionally trained in acupuncture, and had been practising it for an average of 14 years.

Each participant completed a validated Meno Scores (MSQ) questionnaire–designed to measure outcomes from the patient’s perspective–before their first session and then again after 3, 6, 8, 11 and 26 weeks.

The MSQ comprised 11 graded scales for each of: hot flushes; day and night sweats; general sweating; sleep disturbance; emotional vulnerability; memory changes; skin and hair problems; physical symptoms; abdominal symptoms; urinary and vaginal symptoms; and fatigue.

At six weeks most (80%) of the women in the acupuncture group, said that they felt that the sessions had helped them.

And compared with those who had not been given acupuncture, they were significantly less troubled by hot flushes–a difference that was already apparent after 3 weeks of ‘treatment’.

Statistically significant differences also emerged between the two groups in the severity/frequency of day and night sweats, general sweating, sleep disturbances, emotional and physical symptoms, and skin and hair problems.

The drop-out rate was low, with just one woman failing to complete all five acupuncture sessions, and no serious side effects were reported.

The researchers acknowledge that the treatment period lasted just five weeks and that a major difficulty in all acupuncture trials is the lack of a proper comparator.

This means that a placebo effect can’t be ruled out, and further discussions are warranted about what level of evidence is therefore acceptable, particularly when it’s impossible to accurately explain the underlying factors behind the results, they add.

Nevertheless, they suggest that their findings show that a brief course of acupuncture by suitably trained professionals is feasible in routine primary care for both doctors and patients.

“Not all menopausal women need or request treatment, and we believe this acupuncture intervention is most relevant to women who experience moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms,” they write.

“Acupuncture for menopausal symptoms is a realistic option for women who cannot, or do not wish to use [hormone therapy],” they conclude.



Research: Efficacy of a standardised acupuncture approach for women with bothersome menopausal symptoms: a pragmatic randomised study in primary care (the ACOM study) doi 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023637
Journal: BMJ Open

Liz has worked as the Lead Complementary Therapist in a Cancer charity and has over 20 years experience as a Nurse and Acupuncturist treating both adults and children

Click HERE to see Liz’s full profile on our website

Or Click HERE to read more about what an Acupuncture consultation entails

If you have any quesitons or if you’re unsure about whether Acupuncture can help you remember all our practitioners offer FREE 15 minute dicovery calls.

Clinic details

19 Reading Road




Immune Health has been at the forefront of everybody’s minds in recent months for *obvious* reasons.

Our immune system is a complex and interconnected system that exists to protect us from pathogens (among many other things).

Keep swiping to see how genetics plays a role in your immune health and how nutrigenetics may be able to support you in supporting your own health.

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Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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Award-winning multidisciplinary medical practice founded by the first Human Performance Consultant Osteopath in Formula 1.

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