Good things come to those who wait...


The human microbiome, a complex ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms residing primarily in the gut, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. These microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes, outnumber human cells by about ten to one and possess an incredible diversity that is essential for various bodily functions. 

This article explores the microbiome and how it is essential for the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

If you have any questions or concerns about your gut health or would like to have an exploratory discussion with one of our practitioners, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our nutritional therapists can also offer specific Gut Health packages including microbiome testing.

#GutAndImmuneHealth #GutImmunity #ImmuneGutConnection #GutHealthAndImmunity #BalanceYourGut #GutBrainConnection #ProbioticPower #PrebioticsAndProbiotics #MicrobiomeHealth


    Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

    Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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    Don’t forget to keep in touch, we love hearing from you and seeing pictures of our clients progress!


    • Functional Medicine
    • Nutritional Therapies
    • Acupuncture
    • Homeopathy


    Did you know that nutrition plays a huge role in migraines?

    Diet and nutrition information can give anyone a headache at the best of the time so we have given some simplified baseline points to help you if you suffer from migraines and headaches.

    If you want to learn more, speak to our nutritional therapist for individual nutritional support.

    Keep swiping for more info and drop us a DM if you want to find out more about how nutritional therapy can help with migraines!

    #formulahealth #formulahealthconsultancy #berkshire #reading #pangbourne #naturalhealth #acupuncture #reflexology #homeopathy#nutritionaltherapy #mindfulness #cranialosteopathy #osteopathyreading #qigong#yogareading #pilates#mindfulness #fitnesspangbourne #fitness #InstaHealth #berkshireLifestyle #nutrigenetics #DNA #Migraines #Headaches 

    Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

    Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

    Follow us on Instagram

    Keep up with the latest news, events and offers from Formula Health by joining us on social media.

    Don’t forget to keep in touch, we love hearing from you and seeing pictures of our clients progress!


    • Holistic Massage
    • Osteopathy
    • Acupuncture
    • Relfexology
    • Nutrition


    Stress can have a major impact on our gut. Whether it is a mental stress from work or relationships, or a physcial stress such as poor diet and enviromental toxins, the gut can be affected significantly.

    And the state of our gut health can be crucial in determining on how we feel on a day to day basis.

    Nutiriton and mindfullness are great in conditions such as IBS and other digestive disorders – you can speak to our nutritionist to find out more.

    Our DNA testing also shows you your physiological risk factors from stress on the body and how best to take precautions around it.

    Keep wiping for more info and drop us a DM if you want to find out more!

    #formulahealth #formulahealthconsultancy #berkshire #reading #pangbourne #naturalhealth #acupuncturereading #reflexologyreading #homeopathyreading #nutritionaltherapy #mindfulness #cranialosteopathy #osteopathyreading #qigongreading #yogareading #pilatesreading #mindfulness #fitnesspangbourne #fitnessreading #InstaHealth #berkshireLifestyle #nutrigenetics #dnaformula #formulahealthapp #selfcareformula

    Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

    Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

    Follow us on Instagram

    Keep up with the latest news, events and offers from Formula Health by joining us on social media.

    Don’t forget to keep in touch, we love hearing from you and seeing pictures of our clients progress!


    • Holistic Massage
    • Nutrition
    • Osteopathy
    • Acupuncture
    • Relfexology


    Immune Health has been at the forefront of everybody’s minds in recent months for *obvious* reasons.

    Our immune system is a complex and interconnected system that exists to protect us from pathogens (among many other things).

    Keep swiping to see how genetics plays a role in your immune health and how nutrigenetics may be able to support you in supporting your own health.

    #formulahealth #formulahealthconsultancy #berkshire #reading #pangbourne #acupuncturereading #reflexologyreading #homeopathyreading #nutritionaltherapyreading

     #cranialosteopathy #osteopathyreading #yogareading #pilatesreading #naturalhealth #readingyoga #berkshirewellness #holistichealthcareberks #integrativehealthcareberks

     #formulahealthDNA #Formulahealthstudio #berks #berkshirebusiness #osteopathy #osteopath

    Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

    Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

    Follow us on Instagram

    Keep up with the latest news, events and offers from Formula Health by joining us on social media.

    Don’t forget to keep in touch, we love hearing from you and seeing pictures of our clients progress!


    Award-winning multidisciplinary medical practice founded by the first Human Performance Consultant Osteopath in Formula 1.

    Copyright by Formula Health Consultancy Ltd 2024. All rights reserved.