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Benefits of Massage

29th August 2022 by Gemma Fisher

Finding yourself falling victim to regular aches and pains that you can’t seem to shake? Why not book in for a massage with us at Formula Health.

Reserach has shown massage is not only a good treat for you to relax and feel good but it helps with regulating the nervous system. Reducing headaches and inflammation in thr body…

To see more benefits of how massage can help you take a look at our blog down below.

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Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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  • Sports Massage
  • Holistic Massage
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Back, Neck & Shoulder

Award-winning multidisciplinary medical practice founded by the first Human Performance Consultant Osteopath in Formula 1.

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