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MSK Health – Osteoarthritis

19th October 2022 by Gemma Fisher

Both OA (Osteoarthritis) and RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) are common conditions that affect both the young and old populations.

Both conditions are very different and as it is arthritis awareness day we wanted to share some signs, symptoms and tools for managing and supporting your health.
We’re starting off with OA which is a very common condition we see in the clinic with our clients and our therapy and treatment offerings of osteopathy and nutrition can be extremely helpful in managing symptoms as well as used for preventative measures.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch! You can also give us a call to discuss possible treatment options.

Keep swiping for more info and drop us a DM if you want to find out more about Osteoarthritis.

#formulahealth #formulahealthconsultancy #berkshire #reading #pangbourne #naturalhealth #acupuncture #reflexology #homeopathy#nutritionaltherapy #mindfulness #cranialosteopathy #osteopathyreading #qigong#yogareading #pilates#mindfulness #fitnesspangbourne #fitness #InstaHealth #berkshireLifestyle #nutrigenetics #DNA  #arthritis

Want to learn more about Nutrigenetic screening?

Read more about the benefits of Nutrigenetic analysis and the wide range of health insights you can gain by visiting the DNA service page on our website where you can download a free information brochure and learn about the 1-to-1 Nutritional Therapist support packages that we offer alongside our test kits.

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  • Holistic Massage
  • Osteopathy
  • Acupuncture
  • Relfexology
  • nutrigenetic screening

Award-winning multidisciplinary medical practice founded by the first Human Performance Consultant Osteopath in Formula 1.

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