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Our Services


Kinesiology is a holistic therapy which uses muscle response testing as a way to measure the reaction of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge. It is a non-invasive, drug-free and empowering method. Kinesiologists look for changes in muscle response that are triggered when a relevant factor is introduced such as an emotional stress or a food that one is sensitive to. By doing this, imbalances can be determined and methods to rebalance the body can be identified.
Each muscle is related to an energy pathway called a meridian, each of which is associated with an organ. If there is a stress that affects this energy pathway, the muscle affected will test weak. It can also be seen as a way of measuring the flow of energy through the body.
Muscle testing therefore gathers information and corrects imbalances. Some suggested remedies include lifestyle alterations, supplements, dietary changes, emotional stress management techniques or non-manipulative structural adjustments. The client and the Kinesiologist can identify an exact cause and devise a personal plan of action together; it takes the guess work out of health.
Kinesiologists treat people as a whole, looking beyond the symptoms to find the root cause. When fully addressed the imbalance clears, which should prevent the problem from returning.


What to expect

Your initial consultation will be an hour and a half long, during which information on your lifestyle and medical history will be gathered and any other issues discussed.
You will then receive a treatment that involves testing the reaction of different muscles in your body. Gentle pressure will be applied to your legs and arms, which you will be asked to push against. Depending on your response, relevant points on your body will be held and massaged to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory system. Meridians and other energy systems will be stimulated and various stress release techniques might be applied such as tapping or affirmations. Simple adjustments along the spine, jaw and hips are sometimes also used depending on what your body needs. Certain foods and supplements can be tested to determine whether they are beneficial or detrimental to your body and personal dietary advice will be recommended.

General information about the sessions:
· Follow up sessions are 1 hour long
· It is advisable to start with three weekly sessions
· You will be fully clothed throughout the session

Potential benefits of kinesiology include:

• Relaxation of body and mind
• Promotion of a sense of wellbeing
• Better quality of sleep
• Stimulation of circulation
• Detoxification
• Improved skin condition
• Improved energy levels
• Greater range of movement and flexibility
• Pain relief
• Injury prevention


This service is provided by


Lara Herbolzheimer

A word from Lara’s patients


Lara’s treatments have changed my life and I don’t say this lightly! She works across such a broad spectrum of modalities with such gentle care and ease, and has an intuitive ability to know what your body and soul needs. My sessions with Lara have been instrumental in healing deep wounds and have enabled me to understand my self and my body in beautiful, powerful ways.

I had been suffering from multiple health problems and had  reached desperation because nothing had helped. It is not an overstatement to say that having kinesiology with Lara changed my life. Having never tried it before I did not realise how many things it is effective for and I wished I had known about it years ago

I have found Lara’s treatments to be the most effective and efficient healing I have ever experienced and she has healed emotional trauma, neck injury, knee pain, digestive problems, sleep problems and post viral fatigue. Time and again multiple problems have had emotional root causes and her treatments have gone to the root of the problem in a way doctors and therapists were unable to

Lara is a very compassionate and professional therapist and I have found it very easy to discuss delicate things with her and she has a tremendous skill in helping you hone in on the issues

If you are considering booking a treatment with Lara I say go for it! I would be excited for the progress you are about to make. It is a very freeing experience to realise that you CAN do something about your health problems. Well done for being brave and taking that step.

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Award-winning multidisciplinary medical practice founded by the first Human Performance Consultant Osteopath in Formula 1.

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